Thank you for participating in our website redesign feedback process. Please follow the instructions below to complete the form:
First Name and Last Name:
Enter your first name and last name in the respective fields. These are required fields.
Email Address:
Provide your email address. This is a required field and will be used only to contact you for further information regarding your feedback or to provide technical support.
User Role:
Select your role. Choose either "Internal Team" if you are part of our company, or "Beta Tester" if you are an external participant.
Device Information:
Select the type of device you used to access the website. Options include Desktop, Laptop - Large, Laptop - Small, Tablet, Tablet - Mini, and Mobile.
Browser Information:
Indicate the browser you used. Options include Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, Opera, and Samsung.
Experience Rating:
Rate your overall experience on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is Very Poor and 5 is Excellent.
Feedback Sections:
Design Feedback:
Provide your thoughts on the visual aspects of the website. This can include layout, color scheme, and overall design.
Usability Feedback:
Share your experience regarding the ease of use and navigation of the website.
Performance Feedback:
Comment on the website's performance, such as loading times and responsiveness.
Design Feedback:
Suggestions for Improvement:
Provide any suggestions you have for improving the website.
Page URL:
Copy and paste the link to the specific page you are reviewing. This is a required field to help us understand the context of your feedback.
File Upload:
Upload any relevant screenshots or video captures that illustrate your feedback. Click "Choose Files" to select the files from your device. This is a required field.
Date of Feedback:
Select the date you are providing the feedback. Use the date picker to choose the appropriate date.
Additional Notes:
Enter any additional comments or notes that you think would be helpful. This is a required field.
Once all required fields are completed, click the "Submit" button to send your feedback.